Here we outline the key foundation skills required to proceed onto the study of martial arts at the Taiping Institute. These are divided into different areas, but are the most basic and should not be too difficult.

Some of the key themes in martial arts foundations are:
练拳无桩步,房屋无立柱 – practice techniques without stances, it is like a tall building with no foundation (likely to collapse)
练拳不活腰,终究艺不高 – If you don’t exercise your waist when practicing martial arts, you will never be good at it or achieve skill
打拳不溜腿,到老冒失鬼 – Practice techniques without swinging kicks, when you are old, run the risk of being a crippled ghost
打拳不练功,到老一场空 – Practice techniques without Exercise & Conditioning (Gong Fu), when old all will be empty (in vain)
打拳容易走步难 – It is easier to punch than to move (stepping is important skill)
步不活则拳乱,步不快则拳慢 – If the steps are not lively, the strikes will be chaotic; if the steps are not fast, the strikes will be slow.
先看一步走,后看一出手 – first look at the stepping, then look at the hands (Because the quality of footwork is one of the signs of a person’s martial arts level)

Common Stances (步法)
Common Swinging Kicks (遛腿)
Stance Transitions (换步法)
马步 Horse Stance (Ma Bu)
弓步 Bow Stance (Gong Bu)
扑步 Flat stance (Pu Bu)
虚步 Empty stance (Xu Bu)
歇步 Twisting stance (Xie Bu)
独立步 Single Leg stance (Duli Bu)
半马步 six-four stance (Banma Bu)
叉步 Cross Stance (Cha Bu)
虎步 tiger stance (Hu Bu)
六合步 Harmonies stance
玉环步 Jade ring stance (Yuhuan Bu)
丁步 T-shape stance (Ding Bu)
坐盘 Seated Cross stance (Zuo Pan)
跪步 kneeling stance (Gui Bu)

练步 Static stance Set (level One)

* Each stance should be able done correctly to principles of structural lines and to be held steadily for minimum of 2 minutes
正踢腿 Straight High Kick
外摆腿 Outward High Kick
里合腿 Inward High Kick
十字腿 Crossing High Kick
后撩腿 Backwards Swing Kick
侧踢腿 Side body High Kick
弹腿 Spring front Kick
蹬腿 Pressing front kick
侧踹腿 Side Kick
后踢腿 Back Kick
撞踢腿 Smashing Front Kick
前扫腿 Front low sweep
后扫腿 Back low sweep
上扫腿 Roundhouse kick
拍腿 Patting Kick
后摆腿 Back Swing Kick

遛腿架 Liutui Jia Set (Level One)

* Each leg motion or kick must be done to standard including alignment, min. height, lines of force and stability.
马步弓步 Horse-Front Change
扑步弓步 Flat-Front Change
虚步弓步 Empty-front change
马步歇步 Horse-cross change
半马弓步 half horse-front change
叉步马步 cross-horse change
丁步马步 T-shape – horse change
丁步弓步 T-shape – front change
独步虚步 Single-empty change
独步扑步 Single-flat change
进弓马步 enter front-horse
撤弓马步 retreat front-horse
跟弓步 follow step
半步进 half horse enter
进退虚步 Enter-retreat empty step
行步 walking steps

练步 Stepping Set (level Two)

* Each transition must be done without body waving, controlled centre of gravity and with stability. minimum 10 of each
Basic strikes & movementsPlyometrics & Stepping agility exercises
Calisthenics, Strength & Conditioning
冲拳 Flat Straight Punch
立拳 Vertical Straight Punch
劈拳 Hammering Fist
钩拳 Uppercut/Hook Fist
鞭拳 Whipping Fist
翻拳 Back fist
推掌 Push palm
切掌 Cutting palm
顶肘 Pressing elbow
抱肘 Turning elbow
下格挡 Low block
中格挡 Medium block
架梁 Overpass
三星 Three stars conditioning
一步三锤 Linked Strikes
十趟弹腿 Tantui (10 rows)

These are generic, each system has their own specific requirements later. The key is developing necessary power and structural alignment
跳繩 Skipping
深蹲跳 Squat jump
分腿蹲 Split squat
弓箭步交互跳 lunge jumps
跨步蹲 Knee up to lunge
單腳跳 Single leg deadlift to jump
抱膝跳 Tuck jump
大開合跳 Star jump variations
波比跳 Burpee
跳箱 Box Jump
單腳跳 Single Hops – front & side
雙腳跳 Dual Hops – variations
跳躍 Broad Jumps – front, side & back
交叉步/闪丁步 evading T-shape

* Essential to develop the speed and agility required for combat, these have a series of repetitions and variations
仰臥起坐 Different situps/ab workouts
伏地挺身 Pushups – 10 different types 10 reps
引體向上 pullups – 3 variations 5-10 reps
深蹲 Squat – 1.5-2x own weight, 10 f 10 s
登山者 mountain climber
体力 Striking Bag: 5 min 5 reps 10 variations (strikes, kicks etc)
铁球 Bolder Training
鹰抓功 Grip Training
沙包 Sandbag Training
辘铁滚 Roller Bar Training
重关刀 Heavy Guandao Training
石锁功 Stone Lock Training
拉弓 Bow Training

* Conditioning is essential. Again we include a few generic methods, different systems add new apparatus and methods as one progresses through.

Please note the ‘foundations’ need to be passed every year for the first five years of training. Failure to do so will not allow the applicant to qualify for any other development or grading specific to their specialised system. It is our belief that the discipline achieved throughout those first five years will continue throughout the individual’s lifetime and instill the necessary training habits for excellence.