M. Wu has devoted his life to the practice and research of martial arts for over 40 years. He is an outstanding and versatile martial artist who has continued his pursuit of knowledge across many different styles, with an emphasis on traditional and combat effective traditional Chinese Martial Arts.
Descendant from the rebels and Gaucho’s of the riograndense and rioplatense areas of the ‘Banda Oriental’. M. Wu with his family left during the times of ‘Operation Condor’ to new lands. After migrating into a Chinese-Vietnamese community where crime and violence prevailed. To survive, his parents sent him for training in the martial arts. That environment provided a good platform for acquiring real combat skills. Since then, martial arts have become a lifelong dedication.
Although he has been exposed to different martial arts since he was young, it was traditional martial arts for which he has since been most dedicated. His journey has led him to many countries and places around China, Asia and the world, living, learning and exchanging from a vast number of Masters and practitioners. In terms of Chinese Martial arts, these include Li Junde, Wu Jianhua, Li Baosheng, Wu Lianzhi, Hu Chengwu, Xia Minghua, Ge Chunyan, Sun Changli, Yuan Xiugang, Chen Peijie, Ren Zhiyi, Chen Yuanhu, Mao Yimin, Xu Ruicai, Wang Zhihai, Li Biqing, Liu Zhenhai, Chi Jianxiu, Qiao Xiuchuan, Li Yufeng, Yu Fengyi, Zhang Guangqi, Ma Shulin, Tong Peiyun, Zhang Jinfa, Ma Zhendong, Yang Zihua, Liang Jincheng, Tan Qiurong, Luo Zhentian, Liu Junfeng, Wang En’sheng, Jia Xiaolong, Liang Yiquan, Wu Xinming, Zhao Guangdi, Wu Dawei, Chen Jingqi, Zhang Limin and Li Hongwen, among others. In that journey, it was to obtain the combat focused traditional martial arts inclusive of their systematic approach to skill acquisition, inclusive of strength and conditioning, combat and weapons.
Beyond the martial arts, M Wu works in the Logistics/Supply Chain industry, Chinese Medicine & Healthcare and is a University Lecturer as well. He established the Taiping Institute to preserve, develop and disseminate authentic knowledge and pass on to future generations, During that time, aside from his own research, he has taught his dedicated students for free over the course of almost 25 years.
吴禅龙, 文武双全,德艺兼修,太平武馆创始人:从六岁习民间拳械术,刻苦研悟几十年,陶冶武艺情操,不断探索实践深研武术技能和精华,跟随拜访多位武术名家奠定了扎实基础诠释各种拳派技巧掌握保存传统武术的精髓。