Wild Goose Qigong or Dayan Qigong is amongst China’s best and safest styles of qigong. Its name comes from imitating the movements of a ‘wild goose’ (Da Yan in Chinese). It involves both gentle moving and still (meditative) exercises designed to stimulate and balance the bodies ‘bio-energy’ (Qi) system. When practiced on a regular basis, this benefits all the systems and functions of the body, promoting good health, a peaceful mind and longevity.
The Wild Goose system originated from the Daoist Kunlun School in the Jin Dynasty (266-317 A.D.) and the skill has passed down in secret for over 1,600 years. These were developed through the ancient Chinese doctrine of Ying-Yang, the Five Phase (Element) Theory and Jingluo (system of qi meridians). It was not until 1987 that the 27th Generation Grand Master, Madame Yang Mei-Jun (1894-2002), decided to open up the skill and publicly teach Wild Goose Qigong so that it might benefit everyone. Today this system consists of over 70 sets of moving exercises and still (meditative) postures.
Madame Yang passed away on July 23rd, 2002 at the age of 106. Through her, thousands of people in various parts of the world now train Wild Goose Qigong. Many of these have overcome illnesses and regained their health through regular practice. Over the past two decades, medical research has also shown that Qigong is remarkably successful in helping prevent and cure a variety of ailments, from healing joint problems to combating all sorts of chronic diseases. M. Madame Yu (1926–2017) was one of the early students of GM Yang Meijun (1898-2002) and has taught the methods of Dayan Qigong in Shanghai.

Foundation (基功)
- Dayan Gong 64 – Qian | 前六十四式(动功筑基功)
- Dayan Gong 64 – Hou | 后六十四式(动功—引路功)
Moving Methods (动功)
Kunlun Chanshou Bagua | 昆仑缠手八卦(动功)
Bazi Ningyao Gong | 八字拔腰功(动功)
Paida Gong | 拍打健身功(动功)
Sancha Luoxuan Gong | 三叉螺旋功(动功)
Mian Zhang | 绵掌(动功)
Wuxing Bagua Gong | 五行八卦功(动功)
Kainao Fangxiang Gong | 开胸放香功(动功)
Kaifa Gong | 开发功(动功)
Still Methods (静功)
Wuxing Jing Gong | 五行静功(清净法)
Anli Jing Gong | 安位静功(口诀和手形运导)
Meihua Buxing Gong | 梅花步行功
Michuan Jing Gong | 高级秘传静功(口诀和手形运导)
Lian Dan Jing Gong | 遥视练丹静功(动作配口诀)
Kaixue Jing Gong | 开穴静功
Pai Bingdu Gong | 排病毒功(静功)
Zhiliao Gong | 纠偏治疗功(静功)
MianQuan | 棉拳
Changshou Gong | 长寿功